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      苄氧羰基的脱除主要有以下几种方法:1). 催化氢解;2). 酸解裂解;3). Na/NH3(液)还原。一般而言目前实验室常用简洁的方法就是催化氢解,但当分子中存在对催化氢解敏感或钝化的基团时,我们就必须采用化学方法如酸解裂解Na/NH3(液)还原等。



如果在Boc2O存在下用Pd/C进行氢化,则释放出的胺直接转变成Boc衍生物[ M. Sakaitani, K. Hori, Y. Ohfune., TetrahedronLett., 198829, 2983]。而且这类反应往往要比不加Boc2O来的快,其主要由于氢解出来的胺往往会与贵金属有一定的络合,使催化剂的活性降低,和Boc2O反应为酰胺后则去除了这一效果。另外有时在氢解时加入适当的酸促进反应也是一样的道理,避免了生成的胺降低反应的活性。

另外当分子中有卤原子(Cl, Br, I)存在时,一般直接用Pd/C会造成脱卤的发生,一般这种情况下,使用PdCl2为催化剂,以乙酸乙酯或二氯甲烷为溶剂可较好的避免脱卤的发生。



A solution of (R)-8 (0.170 g, 0.52 mmol) in absolute methanol (3ml) was hydrogenated in the presence of 15% Pd/C (0.026 g)at room temperature for 12 h. The mixture was filtered (Celite) and washed with methanol. Then, perchloric acid (0.050ml, 0.83 mmol) was added and the mixture was stirred for 5 min. The solvent wasevaporated to afford (R)-7·HClO4, mp 233–235°C; [a]D23=−15.6 (c=0.68, methanol).

【C. Jaume; G. G.Santiago et al., Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 200011(22),4549-4458】

A solution of N-Cbz arylglycinol (17) (1.02 mmol) in MeOH (10 mL) wasstirred for 15 min in the presence of an excess of Pd(OH)2/C under a dihydrogenatmosphere. The solution was then filtered on a Celite pad and the solvent removedin vaccuo. Purification of the crude afforded the desired free 2-arylglycinols(S)-21 in 87% yield, white solid; [a]D20=+47.0 (c=0.78,CHCl3); mp 94-96°C(AcOEt)。

【B.Pierfrancesco; C. silvia et al., Tetrahedron, 199955(10),3025】

576.6mg of compound 1 (1 mmol) was dissolved in 20 ml of methanol. Then 150 mg ofammonium formate (3 mmol) and 75 mg of 10% Pd-C was added and the reactionmixture was stirred at room temperature 10 min and then heated to reflux for 45min. The mixture was filtered through celite and the filtrate was evaporate todryness to give 430 mg of compound 2 (98%). This compound was used without further purification in the subsequentstep.

【Alargov, D. K; Naydenova, Z; Monatsh. Chem., 1997, 128(6-7),725-732】

Compound 1 (0.6 g, 0.8 mmol) was dissolved in 1:1 formicacid/methanol (60 mL) and added to a round-bottom flask (100 mL) containing 1equiv of palladium catalyst (10% Pd/C, 1.0 g, 0.9 mmol). The mixture was continuously stirred under refluxtemperature for 24 h. The catalyst was removed by filtration and washed with anadditional 10 mL of methanol. The combined solvents were removed by evaporationunder reduced pressure to give Compound 2 (0.34 g, 81%, a white solid, mp 96-98 °C). This compound was used withoutfurther purification in the subsequent step.

【Fyles, T. M.; Zeng, B.; J. Org. Chem., 199863(23), 8337-8345】

10%Pd-C wasaddede to a solution of compound 1 (596 mg , 1.77 mmol) and (Boc)2O(773 mg, 3.54 mmol) in etnyl acetate (30 ml). The reation vessel was evacuatedand back-filled with nitrogen (three times), then back-filled with hydrogen (1atm). After 2 h, the mixture was filtered and concentrated. Purification bysilica gel chromatography (30% ethyl acetate/ hexanes - 50% ethyl acetate/hexanes) gave compound 2 (289 mg, 54%).


To a solution ocompound 1 (900 mg) in methylene chloride (16.5 ml) was addede PdCl2 (30mg) and triethylamine (0.229 ml). Triethyl silane was added (2 x 0.395 ml) over2 h. The reaction mixture stirred 1 h and 2 ml of trifluoroacetic acid wasadded. After 30 min the reaction was basified with 2 N NaOH, extracted with methylene chloride, dried over MgSO4,filtered and concentrated. Chromatography was run on a biotage 40S column with3-5% MeOH/CH2Cl2 with 0.5% NH4OH to provide compound 2 as a oil (501mg, 74%).



 氨基甲酸苄酯在强酸性条件下容易去保护。HBr/HOAc 是酸解脱除苄氧羰基的最常用的试剂。脱除反应主要按下式进行。反应需要消耗2分子的HBr,Cbz的脱除速度随HBr浓度的增大而增大,因此实际上都是采用高浓度的过量HBr/HOAc溶液(1.2M-3.3M)以保证反应的完全。


用液体HF在0℃处理10-30分钟即可将Cbz完全脱去。FSO3H、CH3SO3H、CF3SO3H和C6H5SCH3-TFA也是较好的试剂。Me3SiI在氯仿、乙腈中能于几分钟内选择性脱去Cbz和Boc保护基。对于BBr3/CH2Cl2而言,较大分子的肽的Cbz衍生物可在TFA中去除,因为肽在酸中的溶解度比在CH2Cl2中大。从肽中脱去Cbz,可在TFA中添加0.5 M 4-(甲硫基)苯酚或使用HF/Me2S/对甲苯酚(25:65:10,v/v)来抑制Bn+对芳香氨基酸的加成。

此外,已经报道过的还有以下的一些不常用的方法。如HCl/CHCl3、HCl/HOAc、HBr/SO2、液体HBr、TosOH、HI/HOAc、碘化磷、Et3SiH、沸腾的TFA、8M HCl的乙醇液或6 M HCl回流1小时或浓盐酸于25-75℃加热处理1-1.5小时等。

A solution of the amine Cbz compund (208 mg, 0.44mmol) in 33 % hydrobromic acid in acetic acid (1 mL) and glacial acetic acid(0.6 mL) was stirred at rt for 3 h under an atmosphere of nitrogen. Thevolatiles were removed in vacuo to leave the free amine hydrobromide (168mg, 91 %) as a brown, highly hygroscopic powder; [α]D=-18.0° (c = 0.4, EtOH)

【B.Anna; P. Gerald., Heterocycles200258, 521】

Me3SiI (0.73 ml,0.73 mmol) was added to a soluton of compound 1 (146 mg, 0.33 mmol) inacetonitrile (10 ml) at room temperature, and the resulting mixture was stirredat room temperature for 2 h. Et3N (0.12 ml) was added and themixture was stirred at room temperature for 15 min. The solvents were removedin vacuo, and the residue was extracted with ethyl acetate. The combinedorganics were washed with sodium bicarbonate and brine, dried over sodiumsulfate and filtered. Solvents were removed and the residue was used directlyin the next step.



